Bonjour Barcelona

Our areas of expertise

Getting the NIE

We support you in obtaining the famous NIE ! No matter what your situation is, student, worker, retired, we have the solution to quickly get your NIE !

Administrative assistance

Empadronamiento application, digital certificate, adding a beneficiary to the social security system, we are here to make it all easier for you.

Driving in Spain

It’s time to change your licence plates or your driver licence and you don’t know where to begin ? We have the solution !


Company creation

Do you want to create a company in Spain and don’t know how to go about it? With the help of our accountants, we are here to help you.

You’ve just arrived in Spain and don’t want to bother with the Spanish administration?

From NIE to social security, from the famous padrón to the health card, we take care of everything!

Like 80% of our customers, don’t hesitate and choose the Essential Pack now.

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