Bonjour Barcelona

What is the NIE and how to obtain it?

The NIE: what is it?

“NIE” stands for “Foreigners’ Identity Number“. This is an absolutely essential number for any foreigner wishing to settle in Spain. With “Bonjour Barcelona”, we will help you to obtain this crucial number. With the NIE, you will be able to, among other things:

 Legally reside in Spain;
Buy or sell real estate;
Work in Spain;
Benefit from Spanish social security: obtention of a national social security number;
Open a bank account in Spain;
Subscribe to telephone subscriptions/or to electricity, water, gas services, etc.
Register your foreign vehicle in Spain/Homologate your foreign driving licence, in order to be able to drive in Spain.

There are two types of NIE:
the administrative NIE and the “resident” NIE, also known as the European Union registration certificate.

The administrative NIE is valid for stays in Spain of less than 3 months (for students on an internship for example) and for any economic operation.

The resident NIE, the famous little green card, is for people who want to live in Spain for more than 3 months.

The NIE: how to obtain it?

To request your NIE (resident or non-resident), it is necessary to make an appointment at one of the Spanish police stations on the official website of the Spanish Ministry of Public Administration. Your NIE will be issued on the day of the appointment, which you should attend with the necessary documents.

If you wish to obtain your NIE quickly, “Bonjour Barcelona” can advise you and help you in this process. Do not hesitate and contact us!