Setting up a business in Barcelona is not easy, but it is not impossible.
Don’t panic, with our experience, we will help you in all the steps to create your company in the shortest time possible.
If you want to set up your business in Barcelona, you will have to go through the different steps mentioned in this article.
1 – The deadlines
It is necessary to take into consideration the duration of the process of incorporation of a company in Spain which can vary between 1 and 3 months. It is therefore preferable to anticipate this before taking the plunge.
In fact, particularly in the case of the creation of a Spanish subsidiary, it will be necessary to legalise, apostille and translate certain documents of your foreign company (certificate of good standing, articles of association) but also to obtain the famous NIE and NIF of the foreign company.
2- Choosing a company name
Another crucial stage in the creation of a company in Spain is the acceptance by the Commercial Registry of the company’s name.
The control carried out by the Commercial Registry can be very restrictive. They will ensure that the name chosen is not similar to that of another company.
You will then be asked to submit five different choices of company names in order to put all the chances on your side.
If it is refused, it will be possible to submit new 5 choices until one of them is accepted.
Once you have obtained a name certificate, it will be valid for a period of three months.
3 – Choice of bank and deposit of share capital
The next step in incorporating a company is to open a bank account in the name of the company to deposit the company’s share capital. The minimum capital for a limited liability company (S.L.) is €3,000 in Spain (Article 4 Ley de Sociedades de Capital)
4 – Drafting the articles of association and signing the incorporation before a notary
The company’s articles of association govern the operation of the company but also the relations between the partners. For this reason, they should be drafted with the help of an experienced professional.
Once the articles of association have been drawn up, the shareholders should go to the notary to sign the company’s constitution.
Bonjour Barcelona can assist you in the creation of a company, please contact us by email if you would like more information.