Bonjour Barcelona

NIE PACK Autonomo

This service is offered for anyone who wants to register as an autonomo, 
The service includes: The service includes: – A telephone consultation to understand your needs and answer your questions; – Preparation of all the documents for the first step of the NIE “Administrative” to declare yourself as autonomo – Contact with a bank and/or a gestor for the alta if necessary (Entre Tramites) -> Possibility to obtain -10% discount on their services. – Preparation of all the documents for the “Resident” NIE  as a second step – An informative document including the steps to pay the tax as well as a checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything before your appointment; – The appointment (cita previa) at the police station of your choice, there will be two in total: one for the administrative NIE allowing you to declare yourself as an autonomo, and one for the definitive NIE once declared Plus: Possibility of passing the invoice as a charge (Gastos) A tax of 9,84 € and then 12 € will be due. Time required to obtain the NIE: between 7 days and 2 weeks. The person requesting the NIE will have to go alone to the appointment at the police station. Timeframe for the obtention: between 2 to 6 weeks. The person requesting the NIE must go alone to the appointment at the police station.