Essential PACK
250,00€This service is offered to anyone who decides to settle in Spain and is entitled to social security, especially workers.
It is an all-inclusive service where we propose to carry out all the necessary steps for a simple and successful installation!This pack includes : The NIE or TIE, the empadronamiento, the digital certificate, the assignment of the social security number, the registration at the Cat Salut.
Assignation of a social security number
80,00€This service is available to anyone who wants to obtain a Spanish social security number in order to work. It also includes the obtention of a digital certificate that will simplify all your administrative procedures.
Request for a TSI (Tarjeta Sanitaria)
50,00€The service includes: For the padrón and the digital certificate: – The preparation of all the necessary documents; – Provision of a checklist to make sure you don't forget anything on the day of your appointment; – Making an appointment according to your choice of certificate. The person requesting the padrón will have to go alone to the appointment or can delegate it to someone they know. For the TSI request: Once the padrón is obtained, we will apply for the individual health card. Timeframe for the obtention: maximum 10 days.- We have no control over the timeframe for the reception of the TSI card once applied.